Time to recharge and blast forward

Banality vs. wonder - Being absolutely ravish emotionally by it
"Clear? Transparently!" - Treasure Planet
Desire for apotheosis : Divine status -  Day 9 : Focused Me

"Each morning that we’re given the chance to admire yet another rising sun, is an Extraordinary gift."

"From the moment we open our eyes, exquisite blessings surround us, waiting to be witnessed. All we have to do is...

Gaze upon them. 

Hermenauts : travellers in search of signification ~ Jason Silva combines the words hermeneutics, meaning the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation or finding meaning, and astronaut 

Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore, wrote… “If life’s journey be endless, where is its goal?” The answer is, It is everywhere." Deepak Chopra, Desire and Destiny Meditation Day 10 "Passionate Me"

Keats couple : beauty is truth / truth beauty
Letting go
Moved to tears by the Moment
Neophiliacs : revolutionaries by nature, their intellectual abhorrence of tradition and repetition usually bemoans a deeper emotional need for constant novelty and change.

"One can never pay in gratitude; one can only pay 'in kind' somewhere else in life." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Perceptual apparatus 
Quest to not only survive, but to succeed greatly with generosity of Spirit
"Rhapsodic ecstatic bursting forth of awe."  ~ Jason Silva
"Stupefied amazement" ~ Jason Silva - Sunrise Aug 24, 2015

Thoreau: “We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.” 

Understanding cognitive ecstasy :  connecting the dots
Verve : great energy and enthusiasm; : the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance : Vivacity
"We have a responsibility to awe." ~ Jason Silva
eXquisite italization
"You are right where you’re supposed to be.../ Your partner in this wondrous journey is Spirit."
seiZe opportunities as they present themselves in the here and now. ~ Oprah and Deepak