Blogging just once a week now - apparently :)

Abundance that comes from the very Source of our
Being. Be gentle with yourself and take one step at a time. By opening yourself to uncertainty, even if just a little bit at a time.
Courage to surrender, to trust in divine timing, to be in your own flow. 
"Embracing and flowing with that uncertainty is an essential part of the path to freedom, to peace, to love and abundance in our lives." ~ Deepak
Flora Phenomena shared this today

"Gradually release any self-imposed limitations and allow your life and journey to unfold in ways more wondrous and fulfilling than you could ever have imagined." ~ Deepak
"Hold the intention for everything to work out for the highest good of everyone involved and then let go and allow opportunities to come your way." ~ Deepak
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” —e.e. cummings
Journey to follow our Joy and fulfill our destiny
 Kite I gave to Shaun and Barbara for Valerie. I guess this is why:
"It is like wanting to use the wind to fly your kite but being unwilling to let go of the string." ~ Deepak

Listening with Your Heart Less Thinking and More Feeling by Madisyn Taylor 

Now is the only moment we really have
OM: is the primordial sound; the sound of the universe on its most basic level. by Rebecca Wolf
thank you Antoinette :)
Quintessential Quotes on Pinterest
Rumi Radiance

Today, we honor the freedom to be.

Uncertainty is certain.
Vera - body
When we allow ourselves to simply be who we are, 
When we accept who we are, just as we are, 
With trust in the power of source energy, 
We take an essential step along the journey to aligning 
With our true purpose and destiny. ~ Deepak
eXpress love 
"You will come to realize that there is nothing that
You can lose that will diminish
Your wholeness and nothing 
You can gain that will add to who 
You are.
You are already whole and so is everyone else." ~ Deepak

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