... and December begins...

Advent calendars out - check!
Bake "grandpa's" cherry squares - check!
Crèche: a representation of the Nativity scene...gathered in one place for care and protection
Decorate a little, Drink coffee with spicy hot chocolate a lot - check!
Enjoy flinging "bad pie" :)
Fox and the Hound - check!
Goodwill donation - check!
Hang lights on the screened porch - check!
Icicle lights no less :)
"Just Noel, but I have a happiness." Joy!
"Keep that happiness of yours. Never lose it!" ~ Brutus in Noel
Laundry and Lunch - check!
Mulch leaves by Mowing Lawn - check!
 our favorite - check!
One new Ornament each year - check! (shhh... it's in one of the Advent calendar boxes :)
Paint the living room "Lime tart" - check!
Quit procrastinating and do it!
Refrigerator pick up  - check!
Secret World of Arriety- check!
Trader Joe's- check!
Unwrapping some of the Christmas decorations- check!
"Very little grows on jagged rock. be ground, be crumbled. wildflowers will come up where you are." ~ Rumi
Watch movies with my kid - check!
Xercise (walk with Misty) - check!
Yoga- check!


  1. AGREED! and what's wonderful is... I thought of that at some point, and then forgot... I did finally get 'round to a wee bit of yoga, so an update will be happening very soon :) Thanks :)
