Hope2012: A Blog Relay

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune
Without the words,
and never stops at all."

(1830 - 1886)

This quote has always reminded me of my sister Susan, because it was the one she used next to her Senior picture in our high school yearbook. 1977. The year her oldest daughter was born. Susan was a cheerleader, dating the captain of the football team and Kristen was born January 10, 1977. I am sure Susan knew she was pregnant when she chose the quote. In fact, I've always know and remembered more about her during that time than she would ever suspect. It had to have been one of the most trying times of her life, and I know all to well how much she needed and felt she did not get the support of her parents during that most difficult time. Except... she did. Tough love. Our parents were of course frustrated, at a loss, disappointed even. Everyone held great HOPE for Susan to go to college, perhaps major in Art. she had fantastic grades and could have done anything. She did. She chose to HOPE for the best in a life with Anthony. She chose love. She chose life. She chose Kristen Marie Lidestri who is now 35 and has a lovely daughter of her own.

When people ask what I write, I do not say I am writing my memoir because if truth be told, I'd much rather write the stories of my siblings as seen through my eyes because I'm pretty sure it is the only way for them to know how much I have loved and respected their choices through the years. I am the 4th of 6, and have found hope and inspiration in everyone of them. Yes, I've told them, and shown them, but I am probably the "fluffiest" of us, so I don't know for certain if they know the depth of my admiration.
In short, my sibling have always given me HOPE.

The ABCs that follow comprise SOME of the things that have giving me hope, or tried to dash it....

Carefully Consider....
Expectation is pretty much the opposite of hope. Think about it.
Galvanic Gratitude
Ironic Inspiration
Just keep swimming
Kenya Johnson's Challenge
Law family's Lessons

Nieces and Nephews
One of 6 children
Team sports
Unrelenting Urges
Various Vagaries
Wishes & Waves
Xeric garden
You CAN do it!!!
Zest and Zeal

Additional quote August 18th from The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
"Hope, how she'd grown to hate the word. It was an insidious seed planted inside a person's soul, surviving covertly on little tending, then flowering so spectacularly that none could help but cherish it. It was hope, too, that prevented a person taking counsel from experience" (398).


  1. Your post NEVER disappoint, Jackie! Thank you for sharing your story of hope & triumph. Love you, my friend.

  2. I love the quote your sister chose to have next to her senior picture. This was another beautiful story of how hope "lives". True to your style you tied in the ABCs. Loved it!
