1303 - Beyond... Joy... and more...

Anything I could have imagined and
C.S. Lewis' Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
"Dark backward and abysm of time." ~ Shakespeare qtd. p.14 Surprised by Joy
"Every man must tell his own tale." ~ C.S. Lewis p. 16 Surprised by Joy
"Fuss and Flummery of the Funeral." p. 20
Grimace, Gesture, and pantomime p. 4 of
"Horns of elfland" from Tennyson's "The Princess: The Splendour Falls on Castle Walls" qtd. p. 5
"Invention is essentially different from reverie." p.15
"Joy, which is... sharply distinguished from both Happiness and from Pleasure." p. 18
"Knickerbockers that button at the Knee." p.22
Lough was full of shipping; a delight to both us boys, but most to my brother. ... The flats of Lancashire in the early morning are in reality a dismal sight; to me ..." p. 11
 Mirror - it's a mirror! I had thought it was a window just like a port hole (see "B" above)
Nexus : a connection or series of connections linking two or more things p. 47
Obstinate by choice. One boy who lived near us... Our lives were already full, and the holidays too short for all the reading, writing, playing, cycling, and talking that we wanted to get through." p. 46
Perfunctory : carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection. p. 14
Quixotic : exceedingly idealistic p. 4
Robin Williams we watched Hook on his birthday (7/21) and Dead Poet's Society this week.
"Surprised by joy—impatient as the Wind." ~ William Wordsworth
"Two frightened urchins huddled for warmth in a bleak world." p.19
"Unsatisfied desire which is itself more desirable than any other satisfaction. I call it Joy..." p.17-18
"Visible even to the careless and objective eyes of a child." p.45 Vapidest p. 48
"What more felicity can fall a creative / Than to enjoy delight with liberty?" p. 13
uneXpurgated - uncensored p. 14
"Your father knows what you need." Matthew 6:33 qtd. by ...
Zac Poonan "Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit" July 29, 2020 video link here

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