A Colorful story of the week(s) in review

AAltar of love
 thank you, Rob Perry
Connection, Community, Communion
Devoción translation: Devotion. Do these posts seems Disconnected, or Disjointed? not to me :)
Father, Friendship, Freedom, and
Grace, all Gifts from Jesus

"I must say that God has far more imagination than we have." ~ Out of Africa
the Journey by Mary Oliver
Key to the Universe... is ...
My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss - currently we have both book and VHS tape 
Nietzsche: "The time has come to plant the seed to his highest hope. His soil is rich enough for it. But this soil will one day be poor and weak; no longer will a high tree be able to grow from it... I tell you: one must have chaos in one, to give birth to a dancing star. I tell you; you will have chaos in you. Alas! The time is coming when man will give birth to no more stars... Behold! I shall show you the Last Man." ~ Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Power Prayers: Lifepointe's current message "Satisfy Me... fill me with Peace and with love."
Quote from Jonathan Livingston Seagull: "You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now - and nothing can stand in your way! " we watched this 1973 movie on VHS this week :)

"Unresolved material is like undigested food- it blocks the channel and prevents new nourishment from entering." ~ Jeff Brown
 image by Patricia Dolloff
Valentines month... share the loVe
vertical aXis of the cross isour life through time, the horizontal aXis is eternity breaking in through time. click here for Ted Nottingham video.


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