Spring? not feelin' it in my step...

And now I am :) I began creating this post while struggling with return to this home in Raleigh, 
After a lovely visit home to Mom, and found I need to get "back" to Abiding in Christ and to see that we are never NOT connected and together.  "Acknowledge the truth that sets you free" min 7 of this piece
Being who I am at my core, renewing my faith in me, and in God, and realizing we are one, and isn't that what Spring is all about?
Consciousness, the power to be aware, the power to Choose, is what we truly are. lesson 8 at 1:50
Ceaselessly aware... Creation flowing through a field of awareness ... Changeless lesson 10  source
Deep Prayer by Ted Nottingham min 22 "The Jesus Prayer" One learns to pray ceaselessly in every moment. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Breathing in, breathing out, conscious of ourselves, conscious of our need, invoking the sacred... a manifestation of God's Grace in us, a flowering..." if you'd like, you can listen here
"Emotionally Enmeshed" is something I'd heard more than 2 decades ago, that makes so much more sense to me now, so NOW I can heal even more deeply
First breath deeply the presence of the Holy Spirit
"Greater things than these shall you do." I have now heard this quote (from the Bible) no less than three times in the last few days.
"Here I am free. Heaven is now." listen here - well, you could, if I had remembered to add the link ;)
 thank you for sharing this Maura Tink
Joy of Joining with Jesus, with Abba, Father, why? first min of the Way of Mastery, Lesson 8
"Kerplunk, Kerplunk, Kerplunk" I've used this for "K" before, but I must plop it here as well. Lesson 8 min 27:30

"No longer fear the power of your infinite create union with God." lesson 8 - ripples :)
Operating such that your presence is deeply rooted in Our inner sanctuary
 Purification through fasting 6/3/18
Quality of vibration/ Quality of thought that I allow myself to keep repeating in my mind... Quiet the mind
Reasons why we do what we do Rather than automatic. while I do not Remember where I heard this, it is still a Reminder of why I am practicing more and more, quiet mindfulness. 
Reality Remembered Remain with me. Lesson 11 min 8?
"Spring, which germinated in the earth, moved also, with a strange restlessness, in the hearts of men and women. As the weeks passed, that inextinguishable hope, which mounts always with the rising sap, looked from their faces." ~ Ellen Glasgow The Miller of Old Church
"Teach only love" - True peace is hidden within <- 8="" end="" lesson="" of="" p="">
"Union so powerful, so mysterious and immediate, that the mind cannot comprehend it." lesson 8 1:30 "Unlimitlessness" lesson 8  min27:30
Vibrational field on which... Lesson 11 Way of Mastery - somewhere beyond min 4
eXtend my treasure which is what? I made a note about this on Sunday, where is it now?
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - C.G. Jung
Zanaiia - Christie Lee and Veronica Johnson's summer student worker. 

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