June 18... through Saturday, June 24th, 2017

"Allowing source energy to take the lead."
"Clear, Crystalline, Coherent light source. Crystal Lattice
"Divertiti!" Have Fun! ~ Angela Robbins to Dan Fountain
Enthusiasm sometimes supersedes good sense....
"First let us ask, whence comes all the motive power? What is the spring that drives all? We see the ocean rise and fall, the rivers flow, the wind, rain, and snow beat on our windows... we feel, smell, and tast; and we think of all this." ~ Nikola Tesla
"Gain more, waste less, spend efficiently, learn." ~ Nikola Tesla
"How Do You Write Energy Goals?" by Energy for Success Dr. Barry Morguelan
Imagine perfect stability. The ability to calm the ocean. This means that I will no longer resonate with that which does not serve. I may see the wave of insecurity or concern but I will remain connected to the greater coherent resonance of the universe and I will be a beacon of peace love and
Mighty Moringa Tree and its Many uses. click here for more info with Dr. Joseph Mercola
"Neutrality is your free will to vibrate with truth. It is not running away from. It is your acceptance of the moment. Not expanding outside of the present. It is the strength to withstand and transcend any situation. It is your opportunity to expand into a new dimension. To see more clearly." [Day by Day]
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. This striving for such an achievement is a path to our liberation and the only true foundation of our inner peace and security. ” — Albert Einstein

"and Q waiting for summer"  by Sue Gager Palmer
Roses have been quite bountiful this week with our balance of Rain and sunshine
Stirring Steadiness and Stability into my heart coherence meditationS
"The greatest evil in the world is ignorance." ~ Buddha  "The friction which results from ignorance can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity. No effort could be better spent." ~ Nikola Tesla
Vivisected is a new word I learned while listening to The Adventure Zone
 "What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." Chief Crowfoot (1830 – 1890)
Xunantunich State Park, San Jose Succotz, CaYo, BeliZe

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