As April ends... 2016 edition

Anodyne: anything that relieves distress or pain.

Dar Williams : "The beauty of the rain is how it falls, how it falls, how it falls..."
Every day can be EARTH day!!
Full of love and
Guidance of our deepest desires...
Heightens our Happiness potential" ~ Oprah
"Inner voice : an Intuition that speaks to us with the ultimate wisdom of the universe." ~ Oprah
Jessika Perkins planted this, her first tomato plant :) in nitrogen rich soil :)
Kumquats are now on the list of my favorite fruits :)
"License to dream, to experiment, to construct adventurous and delicious meals as a bulwark against a dreary, meager present...draw our chairs close to the hearth...exhortations to celebrate Life by eating well." ~ review of How to Cook a Wolf by M.K.Fisher
 Day 15 : Finding Flow : Deepak
Norma Rose garden Necessary maintenance
Overflowing with joy 
Punctuate the Positive. Promoting wellness every day.
Quest for Heroism :“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anyone else, these pages must show.” ~ Charles Dickens' David Copperfield
Robin Sharma

Transpiration  is why I need to spend so much time watering right now:
"Unadorned by worry or desire, Untainted by critical thought; the wonders of all that Is shines clear. I empty myself, of myself, into each moment. and just Be. I Am always this present essence; no-thing more, no-thing less. This bliss, behind every breath; this silence, beneath every sensation; this emptiness, of a quiescent mind; this peace of being, aware and Unbound. Free." ~ Brian Thompson, Zen Thinking
Violet is the color of the 7th chakra, the crown chakra and is Vital in activating consciousness
"Written to inspire courage in those daunted by wartimes shortages, How to Cook a Wolf continues to rally cooks during times of plenty, reminding them that providing sustenance requires more than putting food on the table." ~ Goodreads synopsis
Xylem is one of the two types of transport tissue in vascular plants, phloem being the other.

Zen Thinking post for today     April 30, 2016

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