Adventure begins in the moment: Now

Adventure Aspirant practices right views, intentions, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.
Brave Archery  Be here now
"Comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy..." and a cartwheel or two too
Dad, I miss you, and yet you are Definitely with me
Edge of the Woods, New Haven, Connecticut
Fudge from Wendy Jeanne Bennett
Gram is an incredibly supportive Gram
Heaven and nature sing
Indulge to see friends before yoga class
 Justine's Slow Flow class was Just what this body need. Joy to the world!
Karen, Ken, and Bob already this trip. so blessed
Lobster mac and cheese for dinner - yum!
My Mom is the best Mom
New Haven for an adventure, and Nutmeg oil
Open Space Yoga
Precious knee
Recovery, Restorative
Spiritual Archery : Hitting the Mark click here to read
Train to Washington, and then on to Connecticut overnight
Uber was even easier than I thought it would be
Vanilla cupcake from Zest for my kid
Watch Hill beauty:
eXtract of passion flower found while eXploring New Haven
Yoga Archery  not quite there yet
Zest for mini gingerbread whoopie pies and a tiny vanilla cupcake

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