End of February, no end to the love and abundance

"A flower blossoms for its own joy." ~ Oscar Wilde
"Become friendly with the best that is in the world, and the best is becoming friendly with us in return." Chapter 5
Christian D. Larson, The Pathway of Roses
Dymaxion : Buckminster Fuller associated with much of his work—prominently his Dymaxion house and car. See more at Artsy's R.Buckminster Fuller page 
"Endued with limitless power from the Supreme." Chapter 12: Finding the Lost Word
"Give me such a love in boundless measure. Give me the love of some inspired soul whose living presence, fair and strong, can spur me on and on to greater...
Heights than human life has ever reached before—some pure and tender heart who knows the sacred longings of that life supreme within that must ascend and evermore ascend—some fair ...
Illumined soul whose spirit dwells within the vision of transcendent realms on high and knows that I am made for such a place. Then life shall be a life indeed to me; my sacred longings all shall be fulfilled, and every good that I can wish for shall be mine, for all the...
 Joys of earth and all of heaven's ecstasies sublime abide for evermore in such a love." ~ Christian D. Larson, The Pathway of Roses, chapter 5
Keep the eye single upon that light that is revealed through the spiritual vision of the soul. Where that light is shining there is the gate; beyond is the way that leadeth unto life, and all who are in the spirit shall find it even now." ~ Christian D. Larson, The Pathway of Roses, Chapter 10 
Live with the beautiful side in human nature and your own life will grow more and more beautiful until you become an inspiration to all the world. Look for the greater good in all things and you will find God in all things. And when you find God in all things God will be with you in all things." Chapter 9, The Pathway of Roses
"Nothing to prove or protect returning again and again to the silence." ~ James Scott Smith "Mystic"
Og Mandino, The Greatest Miracle In The World, full quote with a full heart: "Do all things with love...love for yourself, love for all others, and love for me." The God Memorandum
Pathway of Roses: a beautiful listen: 
"Question that God asks Himself as you." ~  Christian D. Larson, The Way of Mastery, Book Three: The Way of Knowing, Lesson 31, "Placing your Trust and Loyalty in Love"
"Religion is for people who fear hell. Spirituality is for people who have been there."
Sue Gager Palmer photo to brighten my early morning before the sun
To promote spiritual growth we must live in the spiritual center of the divine that is within us." ~ Christian D. Larson, The Pathway of Roses, Chapter 9: "When Life is Worth Living"
"Unfold in the midst of mystery and meaning... Unobstructed, I serve with one purpose" ~ The Way of Mastery
"Vulnerability is an illusion and a choice. I choose to go beyond the state of vulnerability, beyond all created things. Safety can only come in the reclining in the heart of God." 23:23 Lesson 32
"When an unexpected windstorm comes into your life...hang on. Nothing lasts forever."  ~ Sun Magick
Xenobiotics : substances that are foreign to the body or to an ecological system.
"You are perfectly yourself. The point is not to perfect yourself. It is to perfect your love. Let your imperfections be an invitation to care. Remember that imperfections are deliberately woven into Navajo rugs and treasured in the best Japanese pottery. They are part of the art. What a relief to honor your life as it is, in all its beauty and imperfection."    ~Jack Kornfield

Feb 12th thru 18th 2018

"A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home .. " ~ Rumi
Be you therefore, a wise gardener...
Cultivate a deep love and respect for yourself, for you are not here to “fix” the world. You are not here to “fix” your brother or sister. It is only love that heals. And until you have loved yourself wholly by having purified the mind of every erroneous thought you have ever held—until you have loved yourself—you do not, in truth, love anyone or anything. Save in those brief moments when you let your guard down and the Love of God shines forth through you so quickly you do not even know what happened! The wise gardener cultivates a state of consciousness in which the Love of God is unimpeded.” ~ The Way of Mastery Book 1 Lesson 1 "The Way That Calls You Home"
"Different strands of your past experience begin to weave together until gradually the newDirection announces itself." ~ John O'Donohue
Enter into your own personal field of Experience
Foundation being built for grander Future
Geography of Destiny by John O'Donohue
Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don't struggle against it / We are in harmony with reality." ~ Pema Chödrön American Tibetan Buddhist
Jeff Brown quote and Facebook post from Feb 18, 2017
You can connect from all kinds of places- energetic harmony, sexual alchemy, intellectual alignment- but they won’t sustain love over a lifetime. You need a thread that goes deeper, that moves below and beyond the shifting sands of compatibility. That thread is fascination- a genuine fascination with someone’s inner world, the way they organize reality, the way they hearticulate their feelings, the unfathomable and bottomless depths of their being. To hear their soul cry out to you again and again, and to never lose interest in what it is trying to convey. If there is that, then there will still be love when the body sickens, when the sexuality fades, when the perfection projection is long shattered. If there is that, you will swim in love’s waters until the very last breath. (~an excerpt from 'An Uncommon Bond', available at any bookstore through Ingram Distribution, and on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0980885957/)
Love at the core, center, heart of all
"Move gracefully within the deeper rhythm of your soul. The geography of your destiny is always clearer to the eye of your soul than to the intentions and n
Needs of your surface mind." ~ John O'Donohue

 thank you, again, Angela :)
Power expands exponentially when minds join in love from a foundation of holiness ... come and play with us... Peace, then, be with you always. Amen" end of The Way of Mastery, Book 2: The Way of Transformation Lesson 13
Qui plus sait, plus se tait. French: the more a man knows, the less he talks.” ~ A Wrinkle in Time
Rainbow cloud
 by me :)
Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof. Isaiah 42:10
"To stake one's life for the truth. That is what we must do.” ~ Madeleine l’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
Uitwaaien (verb, Dutch) to take a break and walk away from the demands of life to clear one's head.
Vitam impendere vero. (see "T" above :).” ~ Madeleine l’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
Weave together until gradually the new direction announces itself. Its voice is sure with the inevitability of the truth. When your life-decisions emerge in this way from the matrix of your...
eXperience, they warrant your trust and commitment. when you can choose in this way...
"You move gracefully within the deeper rhythm of your soul. The geography of Your destiny is always clearer to the eye of your soul than to the intentions and needs of your surface mind." ~ John O'Donohue

Each and Every day a new beginning...

"All work is empty save where there is love. And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God." ~ Khalil Gibran
"Blown Away"  Artwork by Gudrun Hreinsdottir
Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.” ~ Alfred Tennyson
Eliminate fear of every sort, simply have faith in God; it is a remedy that never fails... Christian D. Larson, The Hidden Secret
Fault vs. Responsibility - Will Smith

How may I serve you?
"Impermanence is a principle of harmony / When we don't struggle against it / We are in harmony with reality .. " ~ Pema Chodrun
Just for now, without asking how / Let yourself sink into stillness / Just for now / lay down the weight / you so patiently bear upon your shoulders / Feel the earth receive you / and the infinite expanse of the sky grow even wider as your awareness reaches up to meet it .
Just for now / allow a wave of breath to enliven your experience / Breath out whatever blocks you from the truth / Just for now, be boundless, free, with awakened energy tingling in your hands and feet / Drink in the possibility of being who and what you really are .. so fully alive that the world looks different, newly born and vibrant .. Just for now."  ~ Danna Faulds

"...Keep the eye single upon the greater in every Kingdom of life; to open the mind to see the greater in all things. The mind that is constantly seeing the greater is constantly entering into the greater, and is therefore eternally becoming greater. The thoughts we create while in faith are always strong, because the attitude of faith gives higher power to everything; more evidence to prove that faith can do all things." p. 37 Christian D. Larson, The Hidden Secret
Let no moment be wasted. See nothing as ordinary” ~ The Way of the Heart
"Messengers! Messengers of God!" ~ p. 210 A Wrinkle in Time
Open the door in your head and when the doors open in real life, just walk through it. Don’t worry if you miss your cue. There will always be another door opening. They keep opening." ~ Jim Carrey
Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it. ~William Feather
Quivering seems an important word in this book in that is implies such depth of feeling
Re-Reading? A Wrinkle in Time? I think I read it before?
ॐ Simplicity, Elegance and Grace of Nature ॐ : Nature soothes, heals, and teaches with her Silence. ~ Kenneth S. Leong
"The foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For ye see your calling... hath God chosen yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are." 1 Corinthians 1:25 qtd. p. 222 A Wrinkle in Time
Ultimately, choose Unity
Valentine from PamZargarenski:
" 'We want nothing from you that you do without grace,' Mrs Whatsit said, 'or that you do without understanding.' " ~ p. 215 A Wrinkle in Time
ineXorable : impossible to stop or prevent
You might as well answer the door, my child, the truth is furiously knocking.” ~ Lucille Clifton, Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969-1980
ZEN TIP: If the grass looks greener on the other side... start watering the grass you're standing on.

As February begins...

 sent me a free download without knowing the theme of my blog :)
"Count it all JOY" ~ James 1:2
Dross: the impurity that rises to the top when silver (and other metals) are heated
Eliminate all impurities such that your Reflection is God's Reflection

God wants us to be a reflection of him - of Christ. Goal of  life: be like Him
Happy birthday, Jess, February 4th
 photo by mw 8 July 2011
Is it possible that the solution has been under under our nose for the last 2000 years?”
James 1:12 reminded me of this: 
Khalil Gibran : "All work is empty save where there is love. And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God."
"Love Where You Live" : Learn the person's name. Lean into mildy awkward moment...
Makes a big difference
"Neighboring" check out this video
One day God will look at you and see his reflection

Perseverance and renunciation Purifies
 James 1:19
Receive with meekness ... 
Slow down, Soak in... Stand firm and be patient
Take the word of James...
Ultimate weapon against all challenges... a calm mind. "Use a happy medium, for heaven's sake." ~ p.30 A Wrinkle in Time (re-reading before the new movie come out.)
Vision : not only a beautiful noun, but also a Verb.
"Walk across the street, and take the next step" ~ Neighbors
eXhortation : communication emphatically urging someone to do something.
You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” ~ Woodrow Wilson
as heard on Returning the Favor S2:E7