Celebrating Spring Equinox

Balancing point
"...Droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licóur..." Chaucer's Canterbury Tales Prologue right there on page 2 :)
Energy of spring Equinox
Falling on March 21, 22, or 23
Gnarled branches represent the twisting path of life. p. 30
"Holi : the Joyous and colorful spring festival of India is associated with the defeat of the demoness Holika..." p. 15
"If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb."  ~ Farmers Almanac
Journey from death to life p. 4
Ken, on the Wednesday before Easter, we should pretend we're in
Lebanon on "Job's Wednesday" and not clean house, which attracts ants, but instead, go to the beach for a picnic and first swim of the year! :) p. 18-19
"March was the first month of the Roman year until ... 46 BCE when January and February were added" p. 3
"March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb”
Nowruz : Persian New Year
Our Lady, the Life-Giving Fountain p. 27
Picnic Day: Monday after Easter
Queen of Heaven p. 43
"Reference to astronomy, referencing the position of the constellations Leo (a lion) and Aries (a ram, or lamb) in the night sky – it quickly evolved into a succinct summation of March’s changing weather as the...
"...Seasons change from winter to spring in the Northern Hemisphere." source
Tansy Cake were the prizes awarded to the winners of the Easter games. Tansy is a bitter her, therefore good for cleansing the body in spring..." p. 53
Unlike the Autumn Equinox, the Spring Equinox is associated with many holiday customs. p. 2
"Vertú engendred is the flour" [Virtue engendered is the flower] p. 2
"Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth" [my favorite line]
XV, for Kristos voskryesye - Christ is risen." p. 50
Yugoslavia: the Easter Hare makes a nest in the stables and young folks look for eggs in the hay." p. 65
Zoroastrian seven S's: seeb, sonbol, seer, sumac, senjed, sabzeh, and samanou p.31

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