October 24, 2021

Be present, Be committed , Be encouaging, Be constant, use your voice, care for yourself.
"Down on the speck... the people cried out 'We are here, we are here, we are here!" "
"Ebb and flow of life, relationships.... growth, fludity, freedom... intermittency" ~ Gift from the Sea (an extract) by Anne Morrow Lindbergh more here
"From sun in the summer. From rain when it's fall-ish / I'm going to protect them. No matter how small-ish!" ~ Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Suess
"Grateful for finding an abundance of kindness rocks/860 Rocks on my walk yesterday at McCook's. A simple gesture that always brings a smile." ~ Elizabeth Bull
Intermittency : In dynamical systems, intermittency is the irregular alternation of phases of apparently periodic and chaotic dynamics, or different forms of chaotic dynamics. Click on the image for more
Koi_yoga_coaching : perfect post!
Listen with our whole heart, pay attention to details, Listen to your spirit as we pray
Meditation and prayer, prayer and Meditation 
Normal is not normal without change 
"Our True Home is in the Present Moment"by Thich Nhat Hanh
Prayer and meditation 
Quiet times throughout the day
Sacred Silence
Trust that it is not a matter of faith, but a matter of practice
"Use your voice..."
What We Gain from Our Losses” - Rev. Dr. Claudia Highbaugh
Zagarenski's fabulous book The Whisper is my most current read, and new favorite. Not only is it incredibly inspiring, I feel as though I know her, or at least a glimpse of her "why" and "how"...   

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