December 2018 continues...

Ashlyn and her artwork: 
Bold faith displayed by Christ followers. "Bold actions for God lead to big results from God."
Chalene Johnson podcast episode 239: interview with Zach Bush
Density of meaning in humble words
Eat, Pray, Love : "If you could clear out all that space in your mind..." let the universe rush in ... love the whole world...Alright, Richard, get out from inside my head now. Richard: "Shut the door." great scene - check it out here
Focused Mission: Week 4 of Lifepointe Church - November 18, 2018
Ganesh : remover of obstacles - "Go all in" week 1 of "Advent Conspiracy" series Lifepointe Church
"How much more will I accomplish if I stay focused?" ~ Lifepointe Church
"Inextricable connected" p. 34 Braving the Wilderness
"Jack of all trades and master of fun." ~ description of Mary Poppins' Burt

Kleo at Chelsea Groton Bank was wearing a pin that said: "What would you like to learn today?"
Learning SO much lately. 
 thank you for sharing this, Lizbeth
New moon, New Worlds: "Dragonfly signifies a path to new worlds. They are about transformation and a change in perspective, energy, potential, maturity, depth of character, power and poise. It Navigates with elegance and grace ." ~ Unknown source
"Only the paradox [speaking truth while being civil] comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life." ~ Carl Jung as qtd. by Brené Brown in Braving the Wilderness
Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone. Brené Brown
Rejoice. Remain faithful. Receive Jesus in every moment. Read the Book of Luke
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed, without a doubt, a real superhero.” ~ Stan Lee
Unleash. Let go. Use our freedom to help others.
Victorious: AVA: Amazing Victorious Awesome :)
"What has my heart gets my Worship." ~ Big idea for Week 1 of "Advent Conspiracy" series Lifepointe Church
"eXhausting to keep working against yourself when someone truly sees you and loves you... we cracked open." ~ Braving the Wilderness by Brene' Brown
You are only free when you realize you belong no place—you belong every place—no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.” ― Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone
Zooming in and Zooming out to get a better perspective on the new job

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