June 18 thru 23, 2018

Adversity : is something we can’t change. Whether we like it or not, it will happen at some point so let’s just Accept that as part of being Alive! source
Belief : however, is something we can influence. [in his book The Happiness Advantage] Shawn [Achor] points out we often use the phrase “bouncing back” in the context of recovering from adversity. In reality, however, adversity is an opportunity to “Bounce forward,” to come out the other end a little older, a little wiser and with more self-knowledge around our strengths and self-trust in our resilience. We can shift our mindset around adversity and view it as a temporary circumstance and an opportunity for growth. source

Consequence : we can practice noticing what we tell ourselves about what’s happening to us and noticing how that influences our thoughts, feelings and responses.Cultivate a new mindset, and Create a new life.  source
Disputation : “Just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true.” In other words, our belief is just a belief, not a fact, and that it’s open to examination and questioning. Try asking yourself what the evidence for that belief is, whether the evidence is airtight, and how you would respond if you heard a friend using this reasoning. Ask yourself: what are the alternative interpretations of this situation? How else could I respond? If I were to view this situation through a lens of self-kindness, what would that look like? source"Don't Dance around the perimeter of who you are here to be. Dive in fully and completely." ~ Gabby Berstein

Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

"How would the greatest version of myself think, act, and feel? Be that person
Incredible JOY Facebook page:
JOYful Gestures • "When words are both true and kind, they can change the world." ~Buddha
"Knucklehead" is what the amazing 13 year old called Mike Rowe near the end of this clip. Adorbs!
Matthew 28:19 KJV Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  I saw this scripture this morning and thought about you." Thank you, Daphne Moore
"No garden truly blooms until butterflies have danced upon it." ~ K. D'Angelo
"Own your Own light and Let it shine!!" ~ Gabby Bernstein
Plant  Fairy, thank you, Charlotte
Quickening you fully in spirit. Ephesians 2:5

Video: "Take responsible for the energy you bring." Value the connection
What would it feel like to do great work and resonant with love consistently? Do that.

Xanthorrhoea? maybe not - I'll find out :)

Zest Bakery Stonington, CT

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