Restorative, Inspired ... Slowly, Slowly, they return...

Bifurcation: the division of something into two branches or parts.
Chocolate Stars :) Christmas has landed at Trader Joe's and pretty much everywhere else too
Digesting thoughts - Pedram Shojai: The art of stopping time.
Embrace change
"Great Trees" Music by Malcolm Dalglish, Text by Wendell Berry "Great trees, outspreading and upright, Apostles of the living light..." click here to listen
Hummingbird beautiful represents the centering thought for Day 10
"In fall their brightened leaves, released / Fly down the wind, and we are pleased / To walk on radiance, amazed / O light come down to earth, by praised!" ~ Wendell Berry
Joyner Hall, Tuesday, Nov 7th
Keeping my inner ocean clean, clear, and unwavering
Lovely Loquat blossoms 11 Nov 17

Morning Moringa 8 Nov 17
Not wispy, wishy-washy wishes, but triple stranded ideas with solid, well thought out solutions
"O light come down to earth, be praised!" ~ Wendell Berry
"Patient as stars, they build in air / Tier after tier a timbered choir / Stout beams upholding weightless grace / Of song, a blessing on this place." ~ Wendell Berry
Quiet enough to hear the whispers of the still, small voice
"Receiving sun and giving shade / Their life's a benefaction made / And is a benediction said / Over the living and the dead." ~ Wendell Berry
"Slowly, slowly, they return / To the small woodland let alone / Great trees, outspreading and upright / Apostles of the living light." ~ Wendell Berry
"They stand in waiting all around...They are the advent they await." ~ Wendell Berry 
"Uprisings of their native ground / Downcomings of the distant light..." ~ Wendell Berry
Vitamin D is the glue, the catalyst, and the 
What is focusing but zooming in and out?
eXpect eXtraordinary: Xmas foraging - thyme in a bottle
You... You are timeless." ~ Oprah, Day 13, perfect for my Mom!!
"Zone of mental peace and quiet, the now." ~ Deepak, Day 15

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