What if... outside the box ... July 19, 2017

"Before we take any action, it cannot be from the mind of "right and wrong," emotion or judgement. We must act from that place of Being - deep silence and knowing - where there is no "this or that," no "should or shouldn't." source: Dr. John Douillard "Dhanurveda: Spiritual Archery and The Vedic Science of Transformation"

Cat in the Hat days
Datura at the greenhouse this am
"Electrochemical communication between the roots of the tree, like the synapses between neurons. And each tree has 10connections to the trees around it." ~ Dr. Grace Augustine in Avatar
Farmer's Market for Fresh eggs, Fish and scallops
"Get? It's a network. A Global network and the Na'vi can access it." ~ Dr. Grace Augustine in Avatar
Happy birthday to Shannon (Thursday) and Christine (Friday)
I had the pleasure of a cartwheel in her presence - yay!
John Muir quotes are - wow - 
Kingdom of possibilities! Imagination opened the door to Disney's world (Einstein article)."
Learn well, and we'll see if your insanity can be cured." ~ Avatar
Molly Smerko's blog - see "S" below
Neytiri, one very cool Na'vi
Proprioceptive relating to stimuli that are produced and perceived within an organism, especially those connected with the position and movement of the body.
Quartich is the nasty antagonist in Avatar
Reconnecting with the Earth Wed, Jul 19, 2017 @ 02:43 PM 
Twisted version of Cat in the Hat :) fewer items being juggled, but with a twist!

Utral Aymokriyä : Tree of 
Visual Flight Rules: but I can't see anything. Exactly
Woodsprite from the movie Avatar : 
Xavier Rudd's "The Mother" popped up on my playlist not long after - fits perfectly:
"Your love shines the way into paradise, so I offer my life, I over my love for you..." ~ Avatar

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