Signs x Infinity = time for a big change...

"An archer searching for his target in the mirror, wounded only by my own arrows...
"Blinded by longing, and tripping over paradise." ~ Jim Carrey. click here for video
"Coming out of the darkness singing, holding nothing back, like a tree growing out of stone..." p. 104 Endless Practice by Mark Nepo

Dragonfly at the Martin Garden today
Enterprise "They'll pick you up" - good thing my insurance covers rental car
Five Man Electric Bandclick image for video
Guy who hit my car was wearing a "Chef and The Farmer" t-shirt. also, am I or am I not a Green Goddess at heart?
"I hear this in the child within... in the cell of each petal of every flower, of every leaf, of every blade of grass...certainly the stars that shine in the heavens." ~ Introduction to "I Want to Live" From "Windstar Foundation / Choices for the Future" (1991). "Designing a Socially Just New World Environment".
 John Denver sings "I Want To Live". YouTube video:

Kris Macomber, thank you for your Kindness, authenticity, sincerity, and friendship
Logan, thank you xo for your Love and you wisdom beyond your years
Me - looking for a sign :) 
Next step? Leap of Faith?
Quote in this picture is Shakespeare: "This above all, 'To Thine Own Self Be True." and inscribed on the angel, which is also a bell? "Dream it. Be it."
Right in front of me: 
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."  The Fray "All At Once"

 is the name of this font! :) thank you, Ashley!

"Universe is giving you a kick in the rear to get you moving?" ~ Shannon Grimes
Vehicle totaled? 
We shall see...
eXistential crisis? or simply eXit? or aXiom
"Yes, this might be the bump in the butt (no pun) you needed to get things rolling in your direction." ~ new friend, the guy who bumped into the back of my car yesterday, just over the Meredith tunnel at Wade Ave. He was texting this at the same time as I was texting..."regardless of bump in the road..."

Zechariah 9:16-17 : The Lord their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!

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