Wed thru Sunday, April 3, 2016

Beautiful, bright blooms pave the way......on this perfectly dreary day 🌱🌷🌿🌂🌺☔ ~ Amanda Puckett
Connection is vital, the Challenge is to silence the mind.

Deepak and Oprah Meditation Experience  

False Feelings of disconnection creates heavy burdens and a Feeling of lack
Georgia Sunflower artwork by Valerie Lorimer Contemporary Arts

Healing comes from 

Julie's beautiful drawing  
Katz: Nick Nolte's character in the movie I am watching as I type this: A Walk in The Woods
Lost in Lack? there IS a solution: Live in the present moment. Be. Here. Now.

 thank you, Jill Sutcliff

 Our centering thought for today is: I am drawn into the present moment with ease and joy.
Present moment Is Your Magnet and Your Compass. Precious Present
"Q and [Sue] ready for a sleepover"  photo by Sue Palmer

"Respect yourself enough to say 'I deserve peace,' and walk away from people or things that prevent you from attaining it." Jerico Silvers

Thích Nhất Hạnh :  “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
Understanding can come at any moment
Very interesting articles to read this morning...

"X and Y are not all there is to sex" click here to read the article
"You make a breakthrough every time you break out of a habitual response."

Zen Proverb : Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom

1 comment:

  1. If only I could just walk away. I feel liberated simply by typing the words (sigh)
