ABCs of Self-Care from Big Purple Mommy by Coleen Hubbard, for Caroline

A is for having the Attitude that your self is worth caring for.
B is for Baths and... 
C is for Coffee - really, really good Coffee that you take time to enjoy
D is for Dancing, not one of my personal favorites but! Dancing produces ...
Endorphins and Exercise are the next items on Hubbard's list :)

F is for Food, especially, Food made with love that is yummy and nutritious 
G is for Grooming, not in an effort look good to or for other, but out of Gratitude for Self
H is for Hibernating, Hunkering down and "pulling in" sometimes
I is for Indulging every once in a while
J is for writing in a Journal
K is for Kin
L is for Love, big purple Love
photo by Joshua Behan
M is for Movies, Music, Meditation, and Massage. All great ideas for all Moms!
N is for a Night out and Naps or Napatree :)
O is for Old friends, keep'em close
P is for Pets
Q is for... "you guessed it - absolute Quiet."
R is for Reading, Rest, and Rituals
S includes but it not limited to Sex, Sleep, Solitude, Smiles, and Spiritual life.
 photo by Joshua Behan
T is for Therapeutic processes that children remind us to enjoy, like coloring
U is for Understanding the merits of being an Underachiever
V is for Vacations
W is for Walks
X is for relaXing
 Full Moon Yoga, July 14, 2011
Y is for Yoga
Z is for "Zooming out, widening the frame of our lens, and gaining perspective on our current circumstances." ~ Coleen Hubbard