Morning has Broken...

Bob Dylan sings us into the weekend: 
"Conscious Me" Centering Thought: "Abundance surrounds me"
Day 4 : Deepak and Oprah
Eventually it WILL stop raining and the sun WILL shine through
Falling leaves...
Going to make some soup on this, the 6th? day in a row of rainy days?
Horned Melon can be used to create this:
"Intergalactic Nebula" - I may need to try it :)
"Joyful, abundant place of self-acceptance" ~ Oprah
Kiwano from Meredith College Three Sisters Community Garden
Liz Yaros Loves dancing in the rain, so "P" so I've dedicated that letter to her
Meredith Ensemble Theater performance: 

Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living: The Practice of Mindful Alignment

Rest-filled day
Sit back and relax
Trust the generosity of the universe
Universe operates with Unlimited generosity and cooperation

Zinnias "to brighten an overwise dreary day..."
 thank you, Western Wake Farmers' Market

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