Sunday the 13th thru Thursday the 17th Sept 2015

"Awakening to new ways of being" p. 10 of The Power of TED* The Empowerment Dynamic
BFOs - Blinding Flashes of the Obvious p. 10 The Power of TED* by David Emerald

"Ethics, it's a movement of people that starts with Ethics... Earth care, people care... return of surplus" ~ Geoff Lawton
Fresh From the Three Sister Community Garden
Geoff Lawton  "Come up with solutions that will supply all our needs" from this video arden
Howard Lyman, author of  Mad Cowboy : "I don't have all the answers, I have questions."

 thanks for the reminder, Angela

Joel Salatin: "I think it's one of the most important battles for consumers to fight: the right to know what's in their food, and how it was grown." ~ Food, Inc.

Kristen inspires me more often than she Knows: "People who enjoy exploiting people when they are down... generally are acting from ignorance as it is impossible to celebrate another beings misfortune when you personally have never walked a day in their shoes... Nor can be assured you have ALL the facts!"

Lutalica: The Part of Your Identity That Doesn't Fit Into Categories [video link]
Not just a little bit green
"Optmism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." ~ Helen Keller
"Permaculture is a system of sustainable living on earth that benefits ALL creatures." ~ Geoff Lawton
Quote by
 thank you, Irie Yoga :)
"The marvelous sound / That comes from the sky / I am That / The sweet fragrance / That comes from the garden / I am That / The great beauty That comes from the heart and soul...
 Until I leave . . . Wait..! I can’t leave I am That." ~ Rumi
"Vertigo of freedom" ~ Jason Silva Video

natural systems are eXtremely diverse
Yoga at 4 pm with Meghan. Yes!