Personal growth continues

Adaptogens: Nature’s Miracle Anti-stress and Fatigue Fighters
"Adaptogens are a unique group of herbal ingredients used to improve the health of your adrenal system, the system that’s in charge of managing your body’s hormonal response to stress. They help strengthen the body’s response to stress and enhance its ability to cope with anxiety and fight fatigue – slowly and gently, without jolts or crashes. They’re called adaptogens because of their unique ability to “adapt” their function according to your body’s specific needs. Though the effects may initially be subtle and take time to make themselves felt, they’re real and undeniable."

Biophilia posits that humans have an innate tendency to connect with other life forms; this
Connection (love) needs to be cultivated and nurtured... Biophilia is an unconditional type of love that includes respect for the harsher aspects of the natural world.
 Dr. Sara Gottfried

Gynura nepalensis: Dawn Dewa is also called Moluccan spinach.

Has been used traditionally in Asia for many illnesses, particularly diabetes and high cholesterol. The leaves can be eaten by themselves or in salads. Some like it cooked with butter, in stir-fries or in casseroles."

Jason Silva: Creative Benefits To Being Bilingual
Are There Creative Benefits To Being Bilingual? Absolutely.---#CreativityMonth with Jason Silva
Posted by Jason Silva on Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Karma: tool create abundance: what you put out in the world is always coming back : Kind
Native to Nepal, Indonesians call Dawn Dewa "leaves of the gods".
Okinawa spinach leaves are entirely green and slightly rough.
Pusillanimity : I thought this was a particularly funny word in this particular article.

"Receive each and every whisper from your soul. Receive and ask again. Who Am I?" ~ Deepak
"Strangely enough, it all turns out well. How ? I don't know. It's a mystery." ~ Shakespeare in Love

Upanishads teaches Us: "You are what your deepest desire is/ As is your desire, so is your intention / As is your intention, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed / As is your deed, so is your destiny.
"Vibrant new level." ~ Oprah
eXcellent new blog from my friend, Mandy Smith
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – C.G. Jung
"Zingy" Fire Cider Recipe- thank you Lori : Miller, not Duke ;)


  1. Adaptogens are wonderful - my favorite is Eleuthero, a.k.a. Siberian Ginseng. A bit more gentle then our American Ginseng, but still provides lots of energy.

    1. Hi Mandy, I missed this comment, I think, until now. I have not heard of Eleuthero, but will look it up. I was learning about them from Dr. MErcola and the benefits of holy basil in our garden here at Meredith :)
