I is for Introvert

Great idea that I am going to do some where someday....
High school sports was a turning point for me
I love my Introvert daughter very much

Jackie used to be an introvert. I know! But it is true...
Kyrgyz culture - see "Y" below
Large families can allow one to disappear if they so choose
Makes for difficult holiday/"big family" celebration for my daughter
Now I do understand
Only children have to limit
People interaction for their own sanity
Quiet time is crucial
Restorative yoga
Sun came out again - yay! pool?

Unusually tired lately
What's next? and do I Want to know? not really
eXceptional Living provided the above photo and the expression "unequivocal decision" from previous post
Yurta? for 45 points? geez! playing scrabble with Sue is always interesting :)
Zen idea of living mindfully in the moment" (13). One Hundred Names for Love: A Memoir


  1. quiet time IS crucial!!! my inner introvert loves this post:)

  2. LOL, I loved "I". My husband and son are out of town. I talked to my MIL who seems to be so appalled that I don't having any plans. I am happy here in my introvert world.
