Moving On: Creating Your House of Belonging with Simple Abundance

Anchors for the light switches that are falling off the walls
"Beyond living and dreaming there is something more important... *see below
'Chores' Clean the shower, 
Doing much to be ready to get this house on the market
Every little bit helps
Fix toilet in the upstairs other bathroom
Garage is filling up, but at least it now has a great door :)
Having "Granny's Helper" give an estimate for things that will not pass
Juarroz : "Everyone needs one untranslatable song."
Kitchen cleanup and cleanOUT!
Letting go
Oatmeal craisin cookie bars, yum!
Power washing has begun
Quite chilly out there today
Resting a bit first today
Taking the decision
*Waking up." ~ Antoino Machado
Yoga? YES!!! and then, oh I don't know...


  1. I'll say it again... I don't know how you keep going without getting your cape caught in the car door. SUPER MOM!!!

  2. And I'll say it again... No Capes!! :) Thank you - epic fail on the toilet repair though...
