The second half of my week - recapped

"Agreement with your inner self and those around you. Agreement means harmony, mutual support, and even love." ~ Deepak
Based on your personal connection to universality.
Commonality. Connection. Community.

"For there to be agreement between the inner world of our values, goals, and beliefs and the outer world full of contentious individuals with conflicting ideas." ~ Deepak
Get still. Stay open. Connect to the now.
Harness the forces of success

Jaded Jackie search led to finding this... 
Kindle that fire of success

Lunch with friends at Irregardless

Meredith Magnolias are Magnificent : 'Butterflies' is a stunning example
Nothing mechanical about inner growth because inner growth depends on feedback from the Self. Note these messages. They are your connection with your creative Source. ~ Deepak
Om Houm Namah : I Open my awareness to Divine grace
“Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.” — Chinese proverb
Ready to Roll... :)
"Realign how your are feeling inside with what you want to materialize around you." ~ Oprah
“Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” — Paul J. Meyer
Take the Time to go back to center, to reorient, to re-set your course. ~ Oprah
Unlocking Unlimited possibilities
"Value cooperation over pointless competitiveness." ~ Deepak

eXquisite moments when we hear and really heed our invoice... that voice guides us to a place... of success. ~ Oprah
Yoga, especially mental yoga, where the stretch is not only about getting a limber body but about putting your awareness into a new place. ~ Deepak


  1. Calming and beautiful:)!♡♡

  2. Oh Magnolias and Quince! I know those will be blooming here soon.
