Wednesday, Jan 7, 2015 - Thursday

Affirming our own existence... 
thank you Elizabeth Johnstone :)

Communication. Contemplate. Chakra Centers.
"Deep, deep down within you ... you will be able to Drift like a cloud and float like water..." ~ Alan Watts
Emphatic and Ecstasy of Communication
Full of energy and delight
Go within
"It's a manic, existential agitation, a desire to become one."
Jason Silva's video are powerfully inspiring
Knowledge that the atoms that comprise life on Earth, the atoms that that make up the human body,
Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson
Natural state, at one with Nature... Namaste'
“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back.” ~ John O’Donohue
Peace and...
thanks for sharing this Doug
Relieved of fundamental terror... we Reach for the stars
Self-forgetting vs. Self-remembering, let this attraction become your experience

Vision guiding us to this Very moment
eXpression of pure light

"Zen Bones and Tales" by Alan Watts, courtesy of


  1. Love that "Quiet, trees at work" sign. Oh, yes they still working very hard during this winter season. :)

  2. Thank you, Mandy, for all of your support and sweet comments!
