Another Adventure begins...

 Adventure Awaits... After hous huntin and before Logan's movie...

Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young "Our House" listen here

"Dwell: to Dig Deep" p. 8

"Early childhood Experiences become deeply Engraved." p. 80
"Fruits of Forgiveness, Freedom, and tranquility of heart." p. 82
" Goethe said 'Every day one should at least hear one little song, read one good poem, see one fine painting and -- if at all possible -- speak a few sensible words.' I would add to this the need to love. Without it, the rest is dust." ~ Elizabeth Berg The Dream Lover
"Homecomings" Chapter 4 To Bless the Space Between Us by John O'Donohue 
"[Home] is the self-effacing laboratory of the unconciousness quietly shaping belief, expectation, and life direction." p. 81
Judge Lynn Toler
Kodaline - "All I Want"  listen here 
"Learn to Leave home." p. 82
"More Than A Feeling" Boston 1976 listen here
"No" is a good place to start creating boundaries... a beautiful word... "It is not only our right at certain times to say 'no'; it is our deepest responsibility. " ~ Simple Abundance 7 Oct 24
"One can undertake any voyage if the destination is home." p. 79 To Bless the Space Between Us
"Quietly, day after day, their care and kindness nurture and foster the unseen landscapes of their children's minds." p. 81 
 "Five of Swords" see "T" below
Time to "Turn the Page" as Bob Seger sings. Check out this Tarot card reading:

"Uncle John's Band" by The Grateful Dead (thank you JJL)

"We are not eXpecting specific outcomes.  Instead we are eXperiencing a lightness of being." p. 77 Embracing the Seasons by Gunilla Norris
"You Make Me Brave" by Bethel Music's Amanda Cook - listen and watch here
Zagarenski art is the best!

"Thresholds" Chapter 3 of John O'Donohue's To Bless the Space Between

Acknowledge and cross a new threshold p. 49 
"Breathing plenitude of color emerges." p. 47
"Change arrives in nature when time has ripened." p.47
"Demands courage and also a sense of trust in whatever is emerging." 
"Everything is prepared. Nothing is rushed." p. 47
"Feel all the varieties of presence that accrue there." p. 49
"Great complexity of emotion comes alive: confusion, fear, excitement , sadness, hope." pp.48-9
"Heart passionately engaged and woken up" p. 48
"It is wise in your own life to be able to recognize and acknowledge the key theresholds." p. 49
"Journey can be a sacred thing: Make sure, before you go, To take the time To Bless your going forth, To free your heart."
"Know the serenity of stillness /To be enfolded anew / By the miracle of your being." p. 52
Must now find a new way of unfolding p. 49 source
"Nature insists on taking its time." p. 47
"One of the greatest dreams of every heart - to change the limitations, the sameness, the banality, or the pain." p. 48
Promises and "Quiet confidence that destiny will guide you and mind you." p. 57
"Risking the danger of difference." p. 48
"Surprised by change that seems to arrive out of nowhere." p. 48
Take your time and...
Unfolding for us...
"Vulnerable to a flourish of possibility and we are suddenly negotiating the challenge of a threshold." p. 48
"We aim for a new and more successful path or Way of living." p.48
"Lament: A poem or song eXpressing grief or loss." p. 33 What the Heart Knows: Chants, Charms & Blessings
"You could not have known You needed to illuminate Your way." p. 54 To Bless the Space Between
"AmaZed, my heart waits for direction... Oh, yes, says my heart. Whatever the music? Let me sing." p. 28 "Song In A Strange Land" What the Heart Knows: Chants, Charms & Blessings by Joce Sidman Illustrations by Pamela Zagarenski

September 2024

 "As the ocean Absolves itself of the expectation of land, Approaching only in the form of waves that fill and pleat and fall...Thus may your heart know the patience that can draw infinity from limitation." p. 30  To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings John O'Donohue

"Be Okay" by Lauren Daigle click here to listen
"Cold" by Annie Lennox listen 
"Dust In The Wind" by Kansas 1977 memories 
"Ease to the wash of waves, the beat of a gull's cry. Let the world gleam with the glory of sand..." ~ Joyce Sidman " Invocation for Sandcastles"
"Forever Young" Joan Baez version: listen here
"Given with tenderness / Wrapped in a ribbon of Glass / Time it may take us but God only knows
How I've paid for those things in the past..." ~ Annie Lennox's "Cold" listen here
"If you say it right, it helps the heart to bear it." ~ Mary Oliver
Jimmy Buffet: "Breathe In. Breath Out. Move On" listen here
Kenny Chesney's "Knowing You" listen 
"Let the flame of anger free you of all falsity...
May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame / May anxiety never linger about you." p. 42  To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings John O'Donohue 
"No Place That Far"  by Sara Evans
"Opening the imagination of wings / Into the grace of emptiness / To fulfill new voyagings, May your life awaken  / To the call of its freedom." p. 30 To Bless the Space Between Us   John O'Donohue
"Pounding of feet: the sound of me running toward the future. " ~ Joyce Sidman
"Quirky Eggheads and Texas Snow Globles" S3:E1 Young Sheldon
Song of Bravery: Stepping out through the door of my shadow: into the glare of the arena to face the lions." p. 9 What the Heart Knows by Joyce Sidman
"Unroll like a secret smile..." ~ Joyce Sidman "Invocation for Sandcastles"
"Vulnerable to a flourish of possibility and we are suddenlynegotiatingthe challenge of a threshold." ~ John O'Donohue p. 48 To Bless the Space Between Us 

"...You, who wait so silently / To solve the puzzle of our day." ~ Joyce Sidman "Invitation to Lost Things"
Zach Bryon "Pink Skies" listen here