Another Adventure begins...

 Adventure Awaits... After hous huntin and before Logan's movie...

Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young "Our House" listen here

"Dwell: to Dig Deep" p. 8

"Early childhood Experiences become deeply Engraved." p. 80
"Fruits of Forgiveness, Freedom, and tranquility of heart." p. 82
" Goethe said 'Every day one should at least hear one little song, read one good poem, see one fine painting and -- if at all possible -- speak a few sensible words.' I would add to this the need to love. Without it, the rest is dust." ~ Elizabeth Berg The Dream Lover
"Homecomings" Chapter 4 To Bless the Space Between Us by John O'Donohue 
"[Home] is the self-effacing laboratory of the unconciousness quietly shaping belief, expectation, and life direction." p. 81
Judge Lynn Toler
Kodaline - "All I Want"  listen here 
"Learn to Leave home." p. 82
"More Than A Feeling" Boston 1976 listen here
"No" is a good place to start creating boundaries... a beautiful word... "It is not only our right at certain times to say 'no'; it is our deepest responsibility. " ~ Simple Abundance 7 Oct 24
"One can undertake any voyage if the destination is home." p. 79 To Bless the Space Between Us
"Quietly, day after day, their care and kindness nurture and foster the unseen landscapes of their children's minds." p. 81 
 "Five of Swords" see "T" below
Time to "Turn the Page" as Bob Seger sings. Check out this Tarot card reading:

"Uncle John's Band" by The Grateful Dead (thank you JJL)

"We are not eXpecting specific outcomes.  Instead we are eXperiencing a lightness of being." p. 77 Embracing the Seasons by Gunilla Norris
"You Make Me Brave" by Bethel Music's Amanda Cook - listen and watch here
Zagarenski art is the best!

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