ABCs of Wild Game by Andrienne Brodeur

 Author's Note: “Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers it and how one remembers it in order to recount it”. ~ Gabriel García Márquez
"Blink and you'll miss the treasure." p. Xi
"Clandestine love was electrifying. p. 132
Denouement p. 209 the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
"Enjoyed the coastal abundance before them: brackish air, a sky glowing pink with sunset, the ambient sounds of seagulls, boats on moorings, and distant waves." p. 4-5

"Falling in love with Jack without Malabar knowing allowed me to believe I was steering the ship and somehow reassured me that my mother's being pleased had nothing to do with my trying to please her." p. 135
"Gone were the gloves and modest jacket...Graced by all thos brilliant rubies, emeralds, and diamonds." p. 180
Home: ineffable sense of being Home and in a safe and familiar sanctuary." p. 78
"It's understandable, it's just not acceptable." p. 155
"Jettisoned Hank" p. 133 throw away, of something encumbering. type of: cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out.
Kierkegaard quote:
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." ~ Soren Kierkegaard qtd. p. 117
"My heart sped up. I bolted upright and looked at Jack, who was staring back at me dumbfounded, uncomprehending." p. 153
"No more people-pleasing." p. 91
Operculum:a secreted plate that closes the aperture of a gastropod mollusk's shell when the animal is retracted.  p. 127
Prologue: "A buried truth, that's all a lie really is."
"Questioned the extent of her influence" p. 176
"Rilke quote from a collection of poetry Margot had given me as an engagement present" 'Let everything happen to you / Beauty and terror / Just keep going / No feeling is final.' " p. 176
Seiche /sā(t)SH/noun : a temporary disturbance or oscillation in the water level of a lake or partially enclosed body of water, especially one caused by changes in atmospheric pressure.
"Tacking to catch a new wind, with me tangled in the riggings." p. 229
"Understandable but not acceptable." p. 155
Vindaloo p. 93 a dish of meat (usually pork) marinated in vinegar and garlic.
"EXtravaganza of ice-cold cherrystone clams, plump briny oysters, curled pink shrimp the size of thumbs." p. 180
"You know what I mean, Kara said, breaking it down for me. The lonely feel comes from not feeling known." p.113
Zoetrope: All-Story : with Francis Ford Coppola 

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