July recap 2024

Another wonderful "LawLaPalooza" 
Birthday celebration for Josie's 1st Birthday for a
Combined Celebration
"Do you rise?" was on a social media post. I answered a resounding "Yes!" because I certainly do...
Enjoying Nature and the...
Faetz Family
Grammy to many, more than 30 now, including spouses and "greats"

"In the light and reverence of blessing, a person or situation becomes Illuminated in a completely new way." ~ Introduction of John O'Donohue's book "To Bless the Space Between Us"
John and Josie in Watch Hill
Ken and Madeline at LawLaPalooza / Josie's Birthday Party

On The Waterfront for prebirthday dinner with Karen, Ken, and Mom xoxoxo
" Pavement Cracks" by Annie Lennox listen here
"Summer is the song inside our hearts that reminds us hope is never far." source

"U" could be for Umbrella 🌂 for all of the rain we had, or U for united together or U for unbreakable bonds, or for the word "Unknown" which has been popping up.in my my life lately... thank you Aunt Bonnie and Wendy Jean 😀

Xu, Wendy is a Brooklyn-based illustrator and comics artist. She is co-creator of and currently draws the webcomic Mooncakes - she also co-authored the book I am currently reading with the same title.

Zara Bas: yes!!

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