Gathered from friends and LIFE

Been feeling this tired lately ...
Can't remember who posted this image
"Don't Forget Me" by Maggie Rogers watch and listen here
Floriology is a term describing the language of flowers
Good morning ☀️ 
"In the best conversations, you don't even remember what you talked about, only how it felt." ~ John Green
Ken painting Margo's fingernails
"Nature is not a place to visit. It's home." ~  Gary Snyder
Opening to the possibilities 
Pulling the invisible threads of connection 
Quote by Laura Riding ["U" below] lead me to article in The Marginal by Maria Popova.
Reading her articles helps connect me to something greater
"Teller and listener, each fulfilling the other's expectations" ~ Ursula K. LeGuin
"Until the missing story of ourselves is told... we shall go on quietly craving it." ~ Laura Riding led me to ...
 Ursula K. Le Guin meditation on the magic of real human communication. “The living tongue that tells the word, the living ear that hears it, bind and bond us in the communion we long for in the silence of our inner solitude.” source
Vocation: connection: reading: gathering: Writing
Xcept, they don't even bother to ask 🤬 silly me for having eXpectations 
Libby Cullen
Zen attempts at managing with Janet gone. This is the card I saw and had to get for her.

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