We did it!! Time to celebrate!

Andie, a very good friend
Burke family hosted, thank you Julie and Andie :)
Celebration time
Diploma in hand
End of high school - again - yay!
Friday the 13th party with Friends
"Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly." ~ Pablo Neruda
Happy Friday the 13th, 

Jason Mraz video may have been the video was here at one point. It would be appropriate.
Keep track of the seasons...give each moon a name.
More about the above image May be obtained if you click on it
No paraskavedekatriaphobia here
Pool Party
Quiet Saturday morning
"Roses are Red, violets are blue, public school is over, done, finished we're through!" EKM
Trader Joe's bread and white wine
Unexpected sweetness - SARK post on Facebook
Venture into the unknown and celebrate with a DQ Vanilla cone with cherry dip :)
eXamined life is the one worth living
Za-atar : a blend of roasted thyme, salt, sesame seeds and spices from the Middle East


  1. Congratulations to your girl for graduating!

  2. Thank you, Mandy. It's been a rough road, but she did it and I am very proud of her. To quote Elizabeth: "Now I can get on with my life" :)
